Rockelstad Castle is a renaissance-style fortress with inspiration from the Swedish national romanticism era. Situated in central Södermanland, it rests peacefully upon the shores of lake Båven. Complemented by four wings all built between 1694 – 1709, it is a unique private country estate with an amazing historical background and a great cultural value-
Accommodation on site
Due to the nature of the site, we can only offer sleeping space for 94 people, not counting children sleeping in their parent’s bed. Everyone who reserves will be placed in a bed, camping bed or mattress provided by the site. Each bed, camping bed and mattress comes with a pillow and blanket but you must bring your own bed linens or a sleeping bag. We will be able to help provide linen (for a fee) for those who are flying in and have limited luggage space. There will also be a number of crash spaces available, for these, you will need to bring a mattress as well as other bedding.
The site consists of many smaller rooms with two to eight people sleeping in each. We will try to keep families together and accommodate wishes for whom you would like in the same room. If you have special requirements for sleeping, please specify that in your registration.
We will be saving space for landed royalty.
The event has booked four houses on site, all of which contain sleeping quarters with lots of showers and toilets.
- Östra flygeln (The East Wing), rooms with beds and crash space on the floor of the dining room.
- Gästrumsflygeln (The Guest Wing), rooms with beds both downstairs and upstairs and a hall upstairs.
- Brygghuset (Lakehouse), down by the lake where Friday’s meal and breakfast will be served. Rooms with beds upstairs.
- Gula paviljongen (The Yellow Pavilion), where the main feast hall is, with a large open porch.